Split number

Is it possible to split the number, provide calculation and join it again?

I have a hours:minutes:seconds:frames format but need only hours to be changed.
1595800-2595800 etc.



Oh, you want more? :wink:

You put everything up to the first : into a variable, do a calculation on that variable, replace everything up to the first : in your original string with the new value:

Hours Replace v10.kmmacros (4.2 KB)


(That deliberately uses different ways of defining the hours string -- pseudo array for the "get", a \d+ regex for the "set" -- to show different options.)

If you are on KM v11 you can make use of the new functionality of setting a pseudo array value, saving a couple of actions and maintaining consistency between the "get" and "set" actions:

Hours Replace v11.kmmacros (3.7 KB)


It's a shame your string isn't , delimited -- if it was you could (in v11) do the getting, calculation, and setting all in one action:

Hours Replace v11 Calc.kmmacros (3.4 KB)


...but, unfortunately, you can't use arbitrary pseudo array delimiters in Calculation actions/tokens. You could search-and-replace : for ,, use the same Calculation action, then search-and-replace , for : -- but that's just making things less efficient again.

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Thanks! :slight_smile:

I have a few quiestions though:

  1. Why do you add :22:10?
  2. I can use 1:03:35:18 with ":" Will it be easier to handle?

Sorry for silly quiestions! I am not a pro in KM.

  1. You didn't provide the "original text" you wanted to split. I made something up based on your description of the format and missed out a value by accident. It doesn't matter though -- because you want the "hours" value it will always be the first item of the string (everything up to the first :), however many other items there are.

  2. You are already using it with a : so there's no need to change except for the last example, and that's a KM v11-only macro.

They aren't silly questions -- always ask if the examples aren't clear. But they are only short examples -- take a moment to look at them action by action while referring to the KM Manual and the Wiki.

You'll soon see that these are sequences of otherwise simple actions -- the trick is knowing which action to use when and the options available, and that'll come with practice.

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Thanks! I am really trying to understand what I do what I do when I use the help from this forum (except scripts :-))

EDIT: Sorry I have found it in the first reply!

About the V11 macro:

When I add [1] to the variable name, what does it do? Use the values before the first delimiter? How can tell the macro that delimiter is ":"?

To the manual! Specifically Using Variables and its "Variable Arrays" section.

So yes, [1] is "the first item in the array" ([2] is the second, etc). By default the item delimiter is , so the text a,b,c,d is an array containing 4 items and item 1 is a.

But you can also tell KM to use a different delimiter by putting it immediately after the ] -- so [1]: is "the first item of the array delimited by : and using it with the text w:x:y:z would get us w.

You aren't limited to a single character as the delimiter, you can also use a string. So [2]Fish used on AliceFishBobFishCharles would get us Bob.

The above is for text variables. Calculations can't include custom delimiters and only use the default , -- but are very useful because things like window dimensions are comma-delimited lists.

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I am sorry, I have to read the whole manual.
The problem is solved! The whole macro now works as expected using your method!

Thanks a lot!