I don't think you can easily "see" notification windows, so I'd probably use your solution as well. Alternatively, skip the Clock app entirely and just use Keyboard Maestro for the whole thing?
This has actually come up at least a few times here in the past...
Try an "If" action with a "Script" condition:
...where the result is 1 when the timer is running, 0 if not (because there will be 0 menu bar items with the description "Timer").
The AppleScript is:
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Control Centre"
return count of (every menu bar item of menu bar 1 whose description is "Timer")
end tell
end tell
Is there an action that will indicate the time remaining on a pause to the user? i.e. I'm pausing for x seconds .. pause ending in 5...4...3...2..1.. type of thing?
Howdy folks,
There are several countdown macros on the forum already, but I didn’t see any that make use of Keyboard Maestro’s progress bar action (though I might have just missed them if there are). This one uses that action to display the countdown, updating both the text and colored bar in real-time.
More details, screenshots and screen recordings are below. As usual, feel free to share any comments or suggestions, or to let me know if it doesn’t work for you.
NOTE: Version 2.0.0 is a grea…
Maybe there are some ideas in those threads you could use.