Stream Deck Plugin with Multuiple Folders or Profiles

Yep ! Horrible ! Shame on me ! I’ll check that asap (next days i hope). Stay tune...

No shame - you’ve created a fantastic plugin that I use every day. Thank you!!


Yours should be the default plugin that Elgato gives to its customers.


Et voilà, have a nice monday !


You are a star @corcules :star2:

Just installed the new version and it works like a charm.

Thank you so very much!!

Hey @tiffle Nice! Can you please share the KM macro images associated with this parameter passing? I used an If text %TriggerValue% is Up - simulate scroll up 100, otherwise scroll down 100. I used the ctrl Modifier key to pass the Up parameter. Mine works but I wanted to see how you performed this. I'm assuming your StreamDeck images, from above, haven't changed.

Thanks much!

Hi @kcwhat - great to hear from you! My Lightroom automation is still a work in progress, so the SD image has changed as follows:

KM 0 2021-03-15_13-42-55

So I'm now passing the equivalent of an array to my KM macro, Scroll, in the SD button parameter. It just tells the KM macro which direction to scroll and how far.

The macro itself looks like this:

The parameter passed is available to the macro in the %TriggerValue% token from which I extract the two values - direction and amount - which are then used to actually scroll the image view in Lightroom.

I wasn't absolutely sure what you meant by

so I hope this is what you were looking for.

If not, let me know.

Cheers and take care.


Thanks @tiffle!

Holy smokes! This is way more than my feeble attempt. Nifty way to use your SD to pass a parameter. I have no comparison with how you used it. I'm trying to get better at parameters and I appreciate you sharing. Here was my attempt:


I used Two Macros:

Very interesting seeing how people work, the mindsets behind it and the organic evolution.

I'm going to try to dissect what you did.

As always - Thank you for sharing.


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It is interesting to get someone else's viewpoint. A couple of things struck me:

  1. I totally forgot about the Scroll wheel action, so thanks for reminding me about that! I use a Magic Trackpad which is lacking a scroll wheel!
  2. You're making use of Modifier keys while I use the brute force method of using as many SD buttons as I can, like this: KM 0 2021-03-15_14-47-43

So thank you for sharing, too - I'm always happy to learn from others.


@corcules, you hero! Gonna download this right now!!!

That's 8/32 or 25% of the real estate in this profile. :frowning: A much higher percentage of one of mine and more than 100% of the other one.

I must be slipping... :rofl:

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Excellent approach to this! Thank you.