Stream Deck trigger - Help getting it work

I am trying to get my Stream Deck being able to trigger a KM macro using the Keyboard Automation plugin. Not KM Link.

I have read the wiki info but no matter what I do I cannot get the key press to run my KM macro. I have the macro trigger set to a USB Device Key and it recognises the Stream Deck key (e.g "Stream Deck R1C5") when setting the hotkey for the macro. But then pressing the SD key does nothing - it does not run the macro.

I have left the Button ID and Virtual Row/Col fields empty in the SD configurator as the wiki says. I have also tried hard coding them to R1C5. I do have multiple SD profiles, but not sure how that can be affecting it.

How is it supposed to work? Do I need to fill in hard coded button IDs etc, or just use the default empty / greyed out values. Any clues on how to get it to work appreciated. I have KM V10.1.1, SD V5.3.1 and the SD KM plugin V9.0.2.

What's that? Do you mean the native Stream Deck plugin for Keyboard Maestro?

Here's a great post by @cdthomer that should help explain the differences between KM Link and the native plugin.

It would be helpful if you posted screenshots of your macro and SD configuration. Hard to know what's wrong without that kind of info.

If everything appears to be in order, it's worth making sure that the macro in question is placed in a macro group that is available at the time you're trying to trigger it. If the macro group is set to be available in specific apps and one of those apps isn't front-most at the time you try to trigger the macro, it won't run. You may already be aware of this, but it does catch some people out.

CleanShot 2022-07-07 at 12.59.20

Doh!'s worth making sure that the macro in question is placed in a macro group that is available at the time you're trying to trigger it.

Thank you @noisneil. I never guessed it was that as 99% of my macro groups are available in all applications. I had not realised this Testing macro group I must have limited to a particular app a while ago.

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