Streamdeck vs. external USB num pad?

Ha ha ha! "If only you knew the power of the Dark Side…"

In truth the vast majority of my StreamDeck buttons call Keyboard Maestro macros (with values, as necessary). As such, I've left the "KM Link vs KM Button" conversation far behind. (Sorry @cdthomer! :grin:)

@noisneil I am surprised that you're not already a BTT user. (I think the trifecta is KBM, BTT and Alfred. They compliment each other) You might want to consider the additional StreamDeck button configuration options that BTT offers.

(I'm sorry! I feel like a salesman or the devil himself.) I just find this stuff so empowering. (Whoops, devil again)

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I'm intrigued, as I'm a heavy KM/SD/Alfred user, so it seems we're like-minded. Perhaps if I get some down-time next week, I'll take a tentative step over to the dark side.

Wait, does this mean...

...'re my father?



No, I am your Doubt. :wink:

But seriously, to you and everyone: I've got no dog in this fight, and no benefit if you give it a try. But I have Been There and Done That after a long period of doubt of my own. So I get it. But I did it and the process didn't kill me and my StreamDeck is far more versatile. And we’re all here to share our experiences.

Each of you should consider carefully what it would take and make your own decisions accordingly.

(@peternlewis: I did explain that most of my buttons are calling Keyboard Maestro macros, right? Couldn't do this without you man.)


When this topic comes up, I intrude and point to my free "product" , ASK_Palette, that offers some of the power of a StreamDeck all in software. There are advantages and disadvantages.


  • It takes up room on your screen.
  • It has a learning curve. And the documentation needs improvement.


  • It is purely software so you can take it places without lugging around a physical device
  • It allows you to imbed hints and comments about the function of the various button you create.
  • It can handle 99 independently designed palettes.
  • It is free

Sample Palette

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As a fellow developer, I can say 2 things about that:

  1. I love to write documentation, and I hate to write documentation. Strange, I know.
  2. Documentation is NEVER done, just abandoned. :slight_smile:

So I bought the Stream Deck and just started using it. All of a sudden, all the buttons went blank. I switched USB ports, and eventually it started working again. I have no idea how long that will last, though.

Did you buy a USB-A port model, or a USB-C port model?

It's an MK.2, and it uses a USB C cable. Oh, and it's stopped working again.

Are you connecting directly or via a hub?

Have you got Sleep set to "Never" in settings?

Thanks again for your help.

I have it directly connected - using my hub didn't work at all.

I did change it to 30 minutes, and that may have caused a problem, so I just changed it back to "never".

HOWEVER, that wasn't the original issue, because I only changed it from "never" last night. The problem was happening before that.

It's possible the problem was solved by my second reboot, but I may be making an early call here. Time will tell.

Dang, I'm sorry to hear that Dan. That's a poor—and unusual?—first experience. Mine's been rock solid from the get-go, using either the Elgato or BTT software to drive it.

I do have it plugged directly into the Mac.


That's life. It also has one critical problem for me - it doesn't work if your display is sleeping.

In any case, I returned it and bought a cheap wired num pad. Works perfectly for what I need it for. I'll miss the cool-looking buttons, but for $10, I can live without them.

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I take it back - If I use the USB num pad as a USB Device Key trigger, KM doesn't "eat" the key pressed, so I end up getting a number passed to whatever is the front application. Not good.

So next, up, I'm trying this:

I get it tomorrow, so I'll let y'all know tomorrow if it works for me.

I don't have that problem with my SpeedKeys macro, Dan.

Yes, I have complained about that to them. I think they said they were going to let you fix that, but that was years ago, and I don't think they ever did.

Yes, this is unfortunate. Hot Key can't tell the different between the number pads, and USB key can't swallow the keys.

I actually bought one of these ages ago:

with the aim of seeing if it could be supported as a keypad in Keyboard Maestro, and just this week got around to trying it out, only to find out that it can't actually act as a keypad (at least not with the Arduino software, maybe with circuit python). So that was disappointing. Plus it looks like its no longer available for sale anyway (at least it shows as sold out everywhere).

I might have to look and see if there is another one around I can try.

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Can you explain why you don't have that problem?


I see now. I have an extended keyboard that already has a num pad. So if I used your macros, I couldn't use my regular num pad.

Which isn't the end of the world, I suppose - I don't use it very often. I'll have to see how this other option works.

By the way, awesome work on your macros. I haven't actually used them, but it looks like you put an incredible amount of work into them. And I would know, considering some of the macros I've shared here.

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Sorry I didn't explain (I couldn't remember what I did, but Peter just gave you the gist of the issue).

Actually, the workaround for using the number pad is to set up a layout for those defaults and select it with the pulldown menu as needed (if an auto switch based on application isn't sufficient).

So you can have your cake and eat it too.

NB: The Default layout may be included in the distribution. I can't remember that either!

I understand. Still, there's a downside - I'm not saying it wouldn't work for me - just that there's a downside.

My normal keyboard has a built-in num pad. Your macros won't allow me to dedicate the external num pad to macros, and still have the keyboard's num pad to be usable as a num pad. Basically, whatever happens to the external num pad happens to the built-in num pad.

With that said, honestly I don't use the keyboard's built-in num pad very often. So I could conceivably use the external num pad like I want to (the separate cable lets me move the external num pad away from the computer, which is what I need it for).

I'll think about it some more. Thanks for your help.

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Yes, I discovered that when I tried the macro on an extended keyboard. Keyboard Maestro doesn't distinguish the extended keypad from an external one. Perhaps because the external one emulates the extended.

There's an upside, though. You can return the external for a refund :upside_down_face:.

True, but it was less than $10, so it'll probably go in one of my "stuff I might want later but never end up using" boxes. :slight_smile:

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