SUBROUTINE: 𝗌.𝘂⇾PlatformVersions, v2.0

I have some macros that require alternate logic that depends on the version of Keyboard Maestro, others that depend on the version of macOS.

For macros that I never plan to share, it's convenient to use subroutine 𝗌.𝘂⇾PlatformVersions with parameter ReturnContects 2 and 64, respectively and compare it to a specified respective version.

When sharing macros, subroutine dependance adds some level of complication, thus I normally skip the subroutine and embed the actions.

For convenience, I've added two groups of such actions to my Favorite Actions (Actions > Add to Favorites). These groups include the framework to:

  1. set the minimum version for the primary logic,

  2. determine the active version, and

  3. add the conditional logic.

Download: Keyboard Maestro Version Conditional Logic.kmactions (10 KB)

Macro Actions-Image

Keyboard Maestro Export

Download: macOS Version Conditional Logic.kmactions (10 KB)

Macro Actions-Image

Keyboard Maestro Export