Suggested Corrections in Wiki on Favorites

1- Add to Favorites syntax
I was reading the wiki on favorites (thank you @DanThomas) and found a small typo which can be confusing for someone with a lower intellect like me.
I misinterpreted" add favorite" as another way of saying insert favorite (ie insert into macro currently working on), when in fact it means here add to favorites

2- add to favorites works with multiple actions
In addition, based on the Wiki example which consists of only one action, I had also misintrepreted the Add to Favorites as being applicable for a single action when in fact I can select multiple actions → context → add to favorites
The exemple should perhaps display multiple actions added to favorites which will make it obvious that it works also with one action.

3- how to quickly edit favorites
After reading the wiki, I thought that it was not possible to edit favorites, when in fact it is quite simple: insert into any dummy macro → make corrections → select → context menu → give the same name → replace

thank you @peternlewis

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