Suggested edit for "Assistance" page

The page "Assistance" links directly to the forum in the line "The Forum is a great place to ask for help with macros".

That link should be replaced with a link to the page "Using the Keyboard Maestro Forum", which explains how to ask for help with macros.


I agree. It would increase the visibility of the "Using ..." page and possibly result in a better experience for newbies.

While we're at it, I suggest a "why" sentence at the end of the first paragraph of the "Using..." page. Right now it says:

While Stairways can answer support questions related to using Keyboard Maestro and creating macros in general, questions about creating specific macros or controlling specific applications are better asked on the forum.

I suggest adding a reason for how/why it's "better", e.g.:

For most questions, the forum will provide faster resplonses from a larger number of experts, especially if you follow the suggestions below to ask a good question.

Peter did in fact change the link from the "Assistance" page.

"faster resplonses from a larger number of experts"

Expert resplonses all round! :upside_down_face:

I would say that I think it better to emphasise "fellow users", to encourage discussions on that basis, rather than reinforce any misunderstanding that the forum is an included service.

Good catch. That's definitely a misunderstanding to avoid.

How about:

For most questions, the forum will provide faster responses from a large number of fellow users, especially if you follow the suggestions below about asking a good question.