Feature suggestion time… I have lots of daisy-chained macros and this makes it daunting to try and go through to scrap old, unused macros. I am afraid to delete a macro without first searching for its title globally, to make sure it’s not used with the “Execute Macro” action.
In the Macro Inspector, maybe a feature could be added to show something like:
This macro is being executed by:
• Macro Folder 1: Macro Name 1
• Macro Folder 1: Macro Name 2
• Macro Folder 2: Macro Name 5
Another option could be to show a warning when deleting: “️ This macro is being executed by the following macros. Are you sure you want to delete it?”
Of course one might suggest that I just name all of these submacros with a standard prefix to make it more easily identifiable, but this still doesn’t solve the problem because:
• I may have created a submacro but then never used it. So it would still need to do a search to confirm I can safely delete it
• Sometimes a macro can serve as both a submacro executed by another macro, or sometimes it works as standalone. So the choice to use some kind of identifying prefix becomes less clear.
Thanks for listening, and let me know if anyone has suggestions about how to do safe “spring cleaning” of macros, or best practices you use to avoid letting your library get out of control like I have!