Support China UnionPay and AliPay

Will KM support China UnionPay?
I saw FastSpring support UnionPay and AliPay on other website, but KM haven't support UnionPay and AliPay.


What does the questioner want? I checked FastSpring's site and it supports UnionPay and AliPay for some countries. Isn't KM purchased via the FastSpring website? So what exactly is the error or the problem?

It do support ChinaUnionPay,I paid with my UnionPay Card。

I tried and successfully paid the upgrade。

FastSpring didn't show ChinaUnionPay‘s icon makes me misunderstood。

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I'm not very knowledgable about this, but I think KM allows FastSpring to handle all the money issues, so I think you need to ask FastSpring why you can't see what you think you should see on their site. But since it worked for you, maybe it's not worth asking them about it.

It works anyway though it is a little bit confusing for people didn't have visa or master-card.