Suppress Keyboard Maestro app switcher in certain apps

Apologies if this has been asked before. I searched but didn't find this particular issue.

I have an issue where when I'm remote desktop-ed into another Mac using Screens 5, ⌘+tab doesn't activate the remote Mac's app switcher. Instead Keyboard Maestro on my local Mac continues to intercept that hotkey so I get the local app switcher instead.

Is there a way to have Keyboard Maestro not intercept that particular hotkey if a specific app (Screens in this case) is the active application?


Yes, the option is on the Macro Group, right here:

Since I don't have the app "Screens," I substituted "Notes" for my example, above.

So it is! In fact, I already had it set and didn't realize it! Screens had a major update and went from to "Screens", which is why it wasn't working.

Thanks for the tip!

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When app names change, sometimes KM actions need to be recreated, so they get the right path and internal file name.