%SystemClipboard% on applescript

%SystemClipboard% means clipboard on KM,it’s very useful. how to express same function :%SystemClipboard% in applescript ? Thank you.


For example:in this applescript ,I want here the path is the system clipboard's content, how to do that?

set thePath to get the clipboard works.

I googled for 'applescript assign text to variable' and used @ComplexPoint link.

Just to be clear (your statement runs onto the "works" comment), and you don't need "get":

set thePath to the clipboard

@som, if you wish to set the clipboard, it is as simple as this:

set thePath to "/Users/UserName/Library/"
set the clipboard to thePath

Many thanks,It's work!

Hey @som,

You can pare that down to:

set thePath to the clipboard -- Input --> on the clipboard is a POSIX Path.

tell application "Finder"
   set target of front window to (POSIX file thePath)
end tell

But I would normally write it this way for easier debugging:

set thePath to the clipboard -- Input --> on the clipboard is a POSIX Path.

set theAlias to alias POSIX file thePath --> Easier to debug.

tell application "Finder"
   set target of front window to theAlias
end tell

** In this case the Finder will handle a Posix File without issue, but I generally prefer to feed the Finder aliases due to occasional hiccoughs with other file formats.

For maximum tersification you can do this:

tell application "Finder"
   set target of front window to (POSIX file (get the clipboard))
end tell
