Tab (⇥) Navigation In "Type a Keystroke" Action

Hello! After I set up the "Type a Keystroke" action by typing a key, how to I navigate to the next action? I have tried pressing tab (⇥) alone and in combination with other modifier keys, all of which send me to the Groups column.:man_facepalming:

Thanks for your help!

If I'm understanding the question correctly, just click outside the field anywhere so it's not active, then you can click the + sign or whatever it is you want to do. But it's possible I'm not understanding the question correctly…


I think this is about how to enter what's wanted in the Type A Keystroke action and continue navigating a macro with the keyboard, which is typically when the Tab key moves the user forward through a setup. I've not been able to determines a direct method for that.

Ah ... the only way I know to do that without using the mouse is to have a keyboard shortcut assigned to Edit > Insert Action > By Name. I have mine set to a double Control-key tap.

I don't know any other keyboard method; I generally just reach for the mouse if I'm not adding another action.


When the Hot Key view gets focus, it waits for a keystroke, steals that keystroke, records it and then by necessity it removes focus (so that it stops recording keystrokes).

So after entering the keystroke, nothing is selected. So Tab then just goes in to the first selectable thing in the window which is the Groups column.

I don't know any simple way to use just the keyboard to reselect the action.