Tap-Tempo Metronome

Here's a simple tool you can use to figure out a tempo and then play a metronome.

You can tap out quarter-notes using the space bar or by clicking anywhere in the prompt.

The prompt will display an average bpm reading until you pause for longer than two seconds. After this, the reading will reset and you can start again.

Clicking the play button will start/stop the metronome.

Tap-Tempo Metronome.kmmacros (50 KB)

Macro screenshot


Another macro that does the same thing...

Oh snap! Seems like 2sec is the magic number.

The progress bar as a continually updated display is genius! :clap:t3::clap:t3:

I noticed the coincidence too.

Thanks. I use that action for many things. And I'm very relieved you aren't upset with me for "competing" with your macro. If I was more humble, I probably wouldn't have mentioned my macro here.

Not at all! I think it's great for anyone who searches for something like this on the forum to see multiple options in one place. :+1:t3: