Thank you <3

Just want you to know KM just made my day... again! I don't know for how many years I used KM but it is always there, doing its job in the background, never complaining, never interrupting, and very reliable. Just as a very old dear friend.

I've been fighting Outlook for quite some time because the shortcut to move to next/prev week doesn't work. I am sure it is a combo of the Swedish keyboard and other shortcuts on my host, but never really solved it. So today I decided to do something about it ... again. But this time I didn't google it, I went straight for a recording in KM, and of course. It worked like a charm. I am so grateful for this fantastic tool!


I double-click on my Outlook email to open the mail in a new window and it irked me that these windows come in various sizes. One KM macro later and now, they are all same size, same place. My OCD is scratched. Thank you!