Thanks for the Icon Chooser

Very Helpful! At the risk of sounding greedy, I’d like to be able to do something of the sort with the Actions list. There are certain Actions I use often and I’d like to be able to have them pop out visually. Is it harder from your perspective as the programmer to have them do that?

Thanks, again. The Icon Chooser is loads of fun! And visually useful, too!!

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Hey Jimmy,

You’ve seen the Insert Action by Name function in Menu > Edit > Insert Action > By Name?

That gives you quick access.

You can also assign keyboard shortcuts to any given action.

You can also create an action with content, save it to named clipboard, and create a macro to paste it.

So you have a lot of options already.

Best Regards,

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Thanks! Not exactly what I had in mind, but information I hadn’t paid much attention to and it gave me a good idea. I definitely appreciate it.

Thanks for the hint! Extremely useful. For unknown reasons (:eyeglasses:) I’ve never seen this…