The macro removes the needed symbols from the command

The terminal command is:
ffprobe -v 0 -of csv=p=0 -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=r_frame_rate '/Users/malenki/Nuendo Projects/Fire Country 305/Video and Audio/FC 305 Locked Cut 092524_HDQT_PR-Proxy-720p[LetterBox].mov' | awk -F '/' '{ printf "%.2f\n", $1/$2 }' | pbcopy

When I do this:

it removes \n from the command making it wrong.

I expect because you have not turned off the processing options in the gear menu.


Since you have both \ and % characters in there that you don't want Keyboard Maestro to process in that Text Field, you should turn off the processing.


Yes, thanks!

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