The TRIGGERTIME() function, and calculations with sub-second precision

The TRIGGERTIME() function returns the time a macro was triggered in Unix Time with sub-second precision. Something that in of itself is very useful information for many applications within a macro. But I struggle to see how best to utilise this functions potential, as I, other than this very specialised function, have found no other KM function or token that’s returning Unix Time with sub-second precision.

As I've understand it the decimals of the TRIGGERTIME() function are represented as floating point numbers (do correct me if I’ve misunderstood this, or use these terms incorrectly), so to me it seems like a function returning current Unix Time with float decimals (something like "FLOATUNIXTIME()") would be very useful.

But I am not sure if the request for such a function makes sense, so I’d very much like to hear what others think of this. I'd also love hearing about ways to utilise the TRIGGERTIME() functionit, of course, and if anyone have found good ways to use it in calculations with sub-second precision.

Floating point numbers are also very new to me, so I am also not sure if one can perform arithmetic on float numbers the same way as one would with “ordinary” fixed numbers. Two insecurities of mine, of the top of my head, is if one can plainly subtract a float number from another, as one commonly would for time difference calculations? And how I within KM would go about converting seconds with floating point decimals to miliseconds or microseconds? Both very relevant questions to determine if a floatunixtime-function would make sense as a companion to the TRIGGERTIME() function.

A common workaround to my main use case, for time difference calculations using the TRIGGERTIME() function, is of course to set a variable, as the first action, to a calculation with the SECONDS() function, for use in later calculations. But I cannot help but think that it’d be great doing these sorts of calculations with the TRIGGERTIME() function instead.

Here’s my current best effort of creating a workaround that emulates what a floatunixtime-function could do:

floatUnixTime Macro-pair (v11.0.3)

floatUnixTime Macros.kmmacros (3.7 KB)

Macro Images

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What's the use case for knowing actual time with sub-second precision?

Not being snippy -- you've got MICROSECOND() precision (not necessarily accuracy :wink: ) within a macro, and even across macros until you reboot your machine, for time differences. And I suspect that, as a first action in a macro and used in a calculation with a latter call to the same function, would be a more accurate representation of "time since start of macro" than making a call out to a sub-macro or a shell script:


...because of the overheads involved in those.

Hello Alex (@Alexander) :wave:

Here some suggestions:

If you have Macros that you use to edit others you can use this function to track the timestamps of the changes …

You maybe could also manipulate the timestamps in the Macros XML files.

I am pretty sure that there are still some other things you could accomplish with this function but I have currently no clue what these things are.

Greetings from Germany :de:


Just be cautious, because some functions return extra digits of precision that are not meaningful. For example, the JD() function returns 8 decimal digits of accuracy, but only the first three are meaningful.

I guess this, for me, mostly boils down to ease of use and possibilities for simplification of macros — The TRIGGERTIME() seems to me to have allot more potential than we are now able to take advantage of.

My most common actual use case would definitely be your proposed "time since start of macro" calculations — something I find myself needing in a significant portion of my macros. The time of triggering is a very definitive moment of any macros execution, and since the TRIGGERTIME() function does exist I have many times found myself thinking that it'd be great to utilise this very function for this task.

What does it do that could not be "worked around" by first setting a local variable to SECONDS(), MILLISECONDS() or MICROSECONDS()? Not that much, I guess. But the TRIGGERTIME() does have the benefit over SECONDS(), and the like, in it being fixed to that definitive triggering moment, and that it would function within a calculation without first having to create a separate trigger time variable — mostly for simplifying macros then I guess.

Another benefit over the SECONDS() family of functions is that the value is in unix-time, a value that can easily be directly converted to a human readable date time, something that's not as easily possible with seconds since Mac started SECONDS() family. And that the value does not reset when the Mac restarts must also be seen as beneficial. I guess you are right in that these traits would only rarely need sub-second precision, but having the ability to store only one value, using only one time format, both holding the precision needed for shorter time spans and the accuracy needed for longer time spans seems very usefull to me.

Running these calculations with sub-second precession is not only about the accuracy of the the time calculation, but the sub-second precision would make calculations over short time spans at all possible.This set up would for instance "arbitrarily" returns negative values about half the time:

Keyboard Maestro Export

Doing this same calculations over longer time spans than 1 second will return will result in "underestimate" of up to 1 second. Or I guess running the calculation as TIME() - TRUNC(TRIGGERTIME()) would solve this (and the possibility for it returning negative values), but I do not see why we should not have the possibility to do precise calculation with the TRIGGERTIME(), when the function itself holds this precision.

Apart from imagening the usefulness of having the possibility to do precise calculations with the TRIGGERTIME(), I am also a person trying to understand the tools I am using at a somewhat deeper level. And I do not understand why this function would store this level of precision when it cannot really be utilised.

I am not sure but I believe the fractions of days in the JD() functions are represented as floating point numbers, as I belive is the case with the fractions of secons of the TRIGGERTIME() function, something that can absolutely lead to misinterpretation if read as ordinary fixed decimal points. Everything floating point is still very new to me, so I might be all wrong, but I do not as of now see what else these digits could represent.

I do not currently use any macros edited from other macros, and I have not yet explored direct manipulation of the macro XML's. So here we are way beyond my depth, and I must admit I am not even able to begin to understand your suggestions here

In your opening statement you cite the wiki page for TRIGGERTIME() and you claim it has sub-second precision and you keep mentioning that. But the wiki page never actually says anything about sub-second precision, or anything at all about how much precision it has.

Again, you are assuming that a fractional seconds value has potentially got microsecond accuracy. This is not a correct assumption. In most of unix, a "unixtime" value is accurate only to the nearest second, not milliseconds or microseconds, even if it returns a fractional value.

Maybe it would help if you explain why you want fractional time values. How much accuracy do you require? KM has functions that return more precise time durations, but they are not measuring unixtime.

True, I am making allot of assumptions here that I am not at all sure about. And I am still not at all sure if my idea of this floatunixtime-function makes any sense.

I see how my question above makes it seem like I believe in microsecond accuracy here. I do not, in reality, so that was not a well formulated question in this context (still interested in the math behind convesion from decimal to floating points though). Tests I have done in the past indicates that milliseconds is about the smallest meaningful time unit within KM. The pause action, for instance, seem to resolve time units down to a millisecond, but not bellow (something that makes sense, when now thinking about it, as a more recent test I did indicated that every action within KM seem to have a set minimum time consumption of about 1 millisecond).

I created this test now to check my assumption that there are meaningful precision to be found past the decimal point in the value returned by the TRIGGERTIME() function:

floatUnixTime Test-Macro-pair v1.2 (v11.0.3)

floatUnixTime Macros.kmmacros (9.7 KB)

Macro images

And the data seem to indicate that there are possibilities for sub-second precision to be harvested her

Resulting data with pauses of 0 to 1200ms in 25ms increments


EDIT: Uploaded a new version of the tester-macro as I felt bad for it not cleaning up after itself. The new version now does (empty and delete the three global variables). The new version also displays a cool updating estimat of how much time is left until the test is completed.

Good test. It does show sub-second accuracy, but based on manual inspection, the precision seems to be weak beyond 1/100 of a second. So I would like to ask again, how much accuracy do you require? There are other functions in KM that return time values and they may have more accuracy.

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As much as anything, it's that "definitive triggering moment" I'm having trouble with. Definitive moment for what? When the trigger event was sent? Received by the Engine? Acted on by the Engine? The macro was, itself, triggered?

I don't know the answer to the above. But I do think that a macro starts when the first action is executed, so time-stamping at that point is "near enough for beer".

Big assumption on my part, but I'm guessing it's "because it's there" -- either a time-stamp on the event or an OS API call to get the time that isn't then being truncated.

But if you do want precision (and remembering that that isn't the same as accuracy), you can roll your own to 3 decimal places -- compare the two lines of the following:



...and if a couple of hundredths of a second are a deal breaker, you probably shouldn't be using KM for the job!

I'm still not convinced of the usefulness, or the validity, of such precise calculations. Even a simple macro's execution time can differ considerably depending on what else the Mac is doing, so increased precision is quickly made irrelevant by variance.

But I realise this could be a total lack of imagination on my part!

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Your Mac is logging at (at least) microsecond resolution. date may be limited to whole seconds, but you can install gdate with homebrew and get time since epoch with millisecond resolution. Even KM can get the milliseconds of NOW() with %ICUDateTime%SSS%.

The information does seem to be available, just not revealed by "standard" KM functions/tokens (bar %TriggerTime% and %ICUDateTime% -- which, I'm guessing, is because it isn't returned by the OS in response to the API calls KM is making.

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These are great points that I had not considered. It does make sense to have control over when (or where really, where in the macro stack) the time is counted from.

At least one case I can think of here now where this could lead to undesired results, is when using Semaphore locks with long timeout that waits until prior execution is done before execution; here it would mostly make sense to count the time from after passing of the Semaphore; whilst the TRIGGERTIME() counts the time from actual triggering (as with the counter action placed before the Semaphore).

Wow, did not know about the %ICUDateTime%SSS%, thank you this token will be very useful to me!

I have come to realised that I have thought completely wrong about the this whole topic of floating-point. And that the ideas I've had about a "float unix time" function does not make any sense.

I read somewhere that the decimal places of the TRIGGERTIME() is represented as "floating-point", reading that I thought about float in this context as an alternative number format, something it is; but I thought of this as if all of these decimals (often 8 of them) as something that could be translated to "fixed-point" numbers with some level of unambiguous precision — something I have come to understand it isn't. It is probably this fact that you all here have tried to explain to me, but I am slow in understanding these things.

Below is an explanation of how I now understand the floating-point represented decimal places given by the TRIGGERTIME()-function, but please du chime in with corrections and further elaboration on the subject, as I really do want to learn more about this.

I now think of the decimal places of the unix time number given by TRIGGERTIME() token more as a glitched representation of whatever number of milli- or (probably) microseconds was there originally — glitched because the decimal places ar prefixed by a 10-digit number, in total making the number more precise than the precision of floating-point with "double precision" (the number system at play behind the stage curtains of KM, as @peternlewis explained to me the last time I was stumped by floating-point numbers peeking out from behind the curtains).

Beware that these floating point glitches can already show up in calculations on numbers of the 10-digit number with 3 decimal places, as with Unix Time with Milliseconds, as can be seen here:

Image showing fp-glitch if digits are treated as number in calculation

But one can of course endless digits as long as the digits are threaded as individual character, note as one number (as a whole)

One workaround for performing calculations on Unix Time with millisecond precision is to perform the calculations on the number as an integer number of millisecond, as non of the 13-digit numbers in this range seems to suffer of lost precision.

Calculated numbers from 1722025873000 to 1722025873999 with full precision


But the fp-glitching does not really seem to affekt the precision of these numbers to any significant degree, milliseconds precision, and even beyond, seem to hold with with numbers in this range, so I believe one can "safely" perform arithmetic on these "glitched" numbers, but I have not yet explored this enough for any level of certainty, so do chime in if this is something that could lead to undesirable results

EDIT: Tagged this post as the solution, but I am still very interested in further understanding on the subject, so do not hesitate to place further posts here!

I think this is something different.

Most floating point numbers cannot be precisely represented as a finite binary value. That's what you are showing with your screen shots.

Some can. The most obvious case, ironically given the thread, is SECONDS() -- computer clocks work in binary, we see a decimal representation of that binary number, and it follows that that decimal can be precisely represented in binary again:


This, of course, usually breaks as soon as you use the number in a calculation -- the result is often a number that cannot be represented precisely. Have a play with the following:

Binary Play.kmmacros (4.6 KB)


...and you'll see that adding the difference between the times to time1 always results in time2, doubling time2 is always correct (powers of 2, baby!), but tripling it is often wrong:


But SECONDS() is working well within the precision of KM's floating point representation. Use MILLISECONDS() instead and things can start to go wrong:


So how you should "deal" with floating point numbers really does depend on where they are coming from, what you are doing to them, and -- perhaps most importantly -- what you are trying to achieve.

Thank you for further insight!

I apparently restarted my computer recently enough for the tripping of SECONDS() to also act nicely here, but with MILLISECONDS() it acts up already before performing any arithmetic on it. The whole number given by the MICROSECONDS() acts nicely throughout though.

It is a little bit difficylt for me to understand how "moving the decimal point" (as I look at the difference between SESCONDS() and MILLISECONDS() of being) makes the difference between a number that can be displayed nicely or not. But that the whole number given by the MICROSECOND() perform better can make sense to me, as I guess the number would not have to store information about where to place the decimal point. Something that might be seen as a case for using the whole number MICROSECOND() when needing to calculate on the number, even when not needing microsecond precision?

True, and this thread have gotten me to realise that I will probably not end up using Unix Time for time calculations needing high precision, at least not where calendar time is not of interest.

Because you're looking at decimals and powers of 10, but your computer is working in binary and powers of 2 -- and only has a finite space in which to do so.

I never did CompSci, so I'll stop at that. If you know someone who did then they'll be able to explain far better than me. Or do a web search on something like "binary representation of floating-point numbers" and delve into the world of the binary point (radix), mantissas, exponents, normalisation...


That's good, because unix time is usually resolved down to only the nearest second. This is for historical reasons, and because there isn't enough space in four bytes of memory to store many digits of accurate for a value that counts the number of seconds over the last 54 years.

One year is 31,000,000 seconds. Unixtime starts counting in 1970, which is 54 years ago, so 54 times 31 million is 1,674,000,000. A four byte value is limited to 4,200,000,000. Unixtime is likely implemented in a four byte word, which means it CANNOT store fractions of a second. If my memory is correct, unixtime runs out of space in 2038 AD (Jan 19, 2:14 AM UTC), which is the year/time that all UNIX system are scheduled to crash and burn. (But in some newer operating systems, the unixtime is stored in an 8 byte word rather than a 4 byte word. This will last 300 billion years, but still won't include any fractional seconds!)

Did you know that unixtime can also make a +1 second or -1 second instantaneous jump whenever the government adds (or removes) a leap second to the calendar? I'm not sure how macOS implements this, but I think it does. So there will be a one second jump in unixtime every few years. The exact times of these jumps cannot be scheduled in advance because we don't fully understand why the Earth's period of rotation varies from day to day. It's possibly related to the "Three Body Problem" (in this case, it's probably the Earth/Moon/Sun) which is a chaotic problem that cannot be predicted. There's usually one leap second every year, but we're in an 8-year stretch right now without having had a leap second.

When there is a leap second, it is announced with a 6-month warning, which gives companies like Apple time to add a patch to their OS which incorporates the 1-second leap. Or if your computer gets its time from an online Time Server, that server will make the leap second itself. When a computer detects a variation between its time and its time server's time, it will normally make centisecond adjustments every minute so that there is no big jump in time, but then that means all your local measurements of time will be slightly off until the adjustment has been completed. I'm not sure if it impacts the accuracy of other functions like SECONDS(), but it probably does.

And the worst part of the story is that your clock won't match another person's clock if there are differences in your altitude or latitude. This is due to Special and General Relativity. These two types of relativity actually have different effects on your clock. One will speed up your clock, the other will slow down your clock, when compared to other identical clocks in different frames of reference.

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Here is the simple rules for floating point numbers:

  • There is always a limit in precision.
  • You cannot compare for equality.

It follows that some numbers cannot be represented exactly (eg 0.2).

Two floating point numbers should be considered the same if they are “close enough”.

Once you allow for that, your issues go away. 11306723980.87799644 = 11306723980.87800026

Note that you can also get in to trouble with very large numbers, especially if they are treated as integers instead of floating point numbers.

Note further that by increasing the range of the numbers, you decrease the precision (as seen above where the precision is down the the third decimal digit).