Time for Pallets Disappearing, advice?

I was wondering if it’s possible to define the time it takes for the pallete to disappear. It seems to me always to fast...is there an option to leave the pallete open until an action Is pressed?

you can leave it always open

Seems @hello and I are tag teaming this week.

This will leave the palette open until an action is pressed as well.

or my favorite:

Here are the instructions from the wiki.

By choosing how you activate the Macro Group , you can create sets of Macros for many different purposes.

  • If you want to use the macro globally, configure the Macro Group to be Always activated .

  • If you want to occasionally use a single macro, configure the Macro Group to be Activated for one action or to Show a palette for one action .

  • If you want to use several macros in succession, configure the Macro Group to be Activated/deactivated or to Show/hide a palette .

  • If you want to have a global palette of related macros, configure the Macro Group to Show a palette .

  • If you want the macros to be always active, but to show a palette only some of the time, choose one of the Always activated and shows… variants.


tag team!