To test the "Until" action Macro (v11.0.3)

Thanks Rob.

To all the members who helped me in this post: I owe you an apology. All of a sudden in one day I "deserted" this post (AND the forum) and never got to go on.
The reason was that all of sudden I was left without laptop. I just needed to replace the battery, but found out that the motherboard needed replacement, as well as one of the keys in the keyboard.
It took quite some time researching, ordering parts and eventually bring my MBP back to life.
After doing that I found out that the backups I'd been doing religiously were not exactly what I thought they'd be. I recovered almost 100% of the stuff, but lost some, among those were the macros I'd been working on lately before the replacement job.
I wanted to thank again all the good people that had been helping me!!!

No problem. I had forgotten about it.

I was sure nobody else was loosing sleep, BUT I was... :rofl:

You were releasing sleep? :face_with_monocle:

KEVIIINNN!!! LOOSING!!! LOOSING!!!.... :rofl: :rofl: