I just discovered that you can hold down option (the option to get help) to go straight to the help for that token online
or hold down shift (alternate way to see it) to see what will be added for the particular token to get a list of all the tokens.
Thank you Peter for all the work that went into doing this and linking to the help for each of these. That no doubt was very time consuming but amazingly helpful!
As I'm sure you know, this is one of the single hardest things to document. The number of things our apps can do that few will ever discover is mind-boggling. I mean, even us developers forget some of the things our apps can do, until someone reminds us.
("Hey, that was pretty smart of me!")
This is an area that AI could really help, if it were somehow smart enough to figure it out for individual apps. But since LLMs require training - they don't "discover" things on their own - I'm not sure that will ever happen.
But imagine it - a day where we could say to some AI "Document this app for users, please. I've got other things to do." and have it actually work would be nirvana!
I know I have watched several of my own tutorials to be reminded of what I once knew. Even macros I have made in the past month when I don't document the heck out of things I forget what the function was for in context.
That would be nirvana! I'm imagining!
That's very cool, I didn't know that!
That is pretty cool I hadn't tried it with actions like that before. Super cool it takes you to the online help, you have made things very nice to find and learn.
Thank you Peter for all the ways to get help that you have provided with this forum being A++. I love that you use Discourse as well, it's so much better than other forums!