Trigger by URL being sent from Filemaker Pro not working

I have been using 'perform AppleScript' from within FileMaker Pro for quite a number of years now to trigger KM macros.

I thought maybe I should start trying to use 'Insert from URL' from within FileMaker Pro since one never knows what may happen to AppleScript support.

(I know it's a whole dialog, but I would like to get Insert from URL to work.)

The AppleScript to trigger the macro is:

-- ignoring application responses
tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
   do script "B00F87F0-5BAA-4B5D-9072-CC90EF852EE8"
   -- or: do script "Yealink Phone Dialer Nige K0146"
   -- or: do script "B00F87F0-5BAA-4B5D-9072-CC90EF852EE8" with parameter "Whatever"
end tell
-- end ignoring

and it works great when sending that from Filemaker Pro -

the URL to trigger the macro is:


and I cannot get it to work...

Would there be any cURL option I need to add in order for it to work?

In FileMaker Pro you specify a field or a variable to target, and then specify the URL and there is an option for cURL.

I have specified a variable as the target, and entered the URL trigger that is above in the specify URL field... all to no avail.

I appreciate any feedback.


Screen Shot 2022-08-03 at 4.57.17 PM

This doesn't support kmtrigger (see the relevant FileMaker Help page for the URL types it does support).

You could use FileMaker's "Open URL" script step by turning on KM's built-in web server, giving your macro a "public web" trigger, and using an URL like (changing the funky string for the UUID of your macro), assuming you've accepted KM's default web port setting. You can make things a little more secure by requiring a username and password in KM's Web Server preferences.

TBH, I don't think FMPro will lose AS support without it being replaced by an alternative, eg Shortcuts, shell scripting, or JavaScript (for Windows compatibility) -- it's just too useful!

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