Triggers not working for Elmedia Player; it shows as "Translocated!"

After some whittling, I have, I think, found a root of my problem that macros for one app are not being triggered. The app is Elmedia Player. The macros had been in a Macro Group set to "Available in these applications" = "Elmedia Player". "Elmedia Player" is the name of the application file in my Applications folder. After I discovered the keychord triggers didn't work, I found out the macros do not show in the Global Palette even when they are set to show a trigger in the Global Palette and Elmedia Player is active.

Elmedia Player is now showing twice in the application selection drop-down of the Macro Group: once as normal and once with a warning icon before and the notification "Translocated!" after the name.

The macros do not work when either of two listed "Elmedia Player" items are selected.

I created a new Macro Group and it shows the same unexpected behavior when "Elmedia Player" is specified.

I moved the macros to another Macro Group and they show in the Global Palette when the specified application is active.

I have closed and restarted Keyboard Maestro. I have closed and restarted Elmedia Player. I have rebooted twice. I turned off, and back on, both Keyboard Maestro and Keyboard Maestro Engine at "System Prefs ▹ Privacy & Security ▹ AccessibiIity".

I am running the latest Keyboard Maestro on MacOS Ventura 13.7 on a 2017 iMac 27".

I have confirmed the issue remains when I use a regular Apple BlueTooth keyboard in place of my (highly customized) Moonlander keyboards.

I have confirmed that the keycodes issued from each keyboard are correct using the app Key Codes.

How can I get my Elmedia Player macros to work again?

Can you check if you have two copies of Elmedia Player installed, one in the Applications folder and one not in the Applications folder?


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Thanks so much.

There were two other files named "Elmedia Player" on my system, each on external drives. (These are old copies of my system drive and contain many other application files that are dupes of the ones in my current Applications folder; Elmedia Player is the only one that is showing an issue with macros or shows as "Translocated!" in the application-selection drop-down in the Macro Group parameters.) I renamed each one and confirmed that there is one and only one file named "Elmedia Player" on my system (including hidden files). I rebooted.

There is now only one "Elmedia Player" listed in the drop-down. It still shows with the warning "Translocated!". BUT the macros now work as expected AND they now show in the Global Palette when Elmedia Player is active. (I added them to the Global Palette when trouble-shooting. I trigger them with keychords.)

So my goal has been achieved — my macros are triggered as expected — but I am left with the "Translocated!" warning. And I don't know 1. why the macros are now being properly triggered, or 2. why Elmedia Player got broken when none of the other apps that have copies on external drives of the ones in my system Applications folder did not. (Among much, I don't know the actual structure of what shows to me as the Applications folder, or the structure of what shows to me as the file "Elmedia Player".)

I would guess the quarantine bit is still set for Elmedia Player. What is the output of this command in Terminal:

xattr /Applications/Elmedia\

If it comes back with, then the quarantine flag is set for the app, and that's what's causing the translocation message to appear. To clear it, do this (when the app isn't running):

xattr -d /Applications/Elmedia\

What is translocation? It's a security method in macOS that launches apps from randomly located read-only disk images. Lots more details...


Rob — thanks for your on-going help. The quarantine flag seems to be set as the first command returned "". Terminal is letting me know permissions are denied when I run the second command:

xattr: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/Applications/Elmedia'

Is there a switch or way I can authenticate and run the command to remove the flag?

Oops, forgot /Applications was a special place. Type sudo, press Space, then enter the rest of the command and your admin password when prompted.


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Sweet! Flag cleared, confirmed by repeating the first command.

Macros work.

One and only one instance of Elmedia Player shows in Keyboard Maestro's Macro Group application selector drop-down list. "Translocated!" warning does not show.

:tophat: ! Thank you.

Thanks for the learning links as well.

Glad it's all sorted!


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