Trouble running Logic Pro macro

Having trouble running the following macro for dragging and dropping user presets into Logic

Strip Search.kmmacros

@noisneil has other some other business to attend to at the moment and suggested I start a thread to help de-bug.

I've read this article on KM permissions but some of it doesn't seem to apply to Ventura users (or at least I'm not sure where to find AppleScript or System in system settings)

I've also tried using both MIDI CC and a hotkey as a trigger with no luck.

**Before I ran this macro I was under the impression that I had to edit parts of it to complete the file path. I did and ran it and a prompt popped up. To be honest I don't recall what it said, I think something along the lines of "____ file doesn't exist in it's current location." Anyway, since then I have tried to run the macro unedited many times and haven't seen any prompts.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Ventura 13.6.1
Logic Pro 11.0.1

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I see 8 different macros. Not sure which one is having the problems. I personally recommend a different approach rather than dragging and dropping. Anytime mouse movements are automated the room for error greatly increases. I've been putting together a script for quite a while now that accomplishes that you are trying to do without a bunch of things popping up and moving on the screen. It may solve the permissions thing in the process considering the main workflow is all done in a single AppleScript. I will try to film a breakdown of the script and upload it to YouTube.

As a side note concerning .cst files (as I see you have them in your script). I don't think most people know that if you save a channel strip setting from an audio track and then copy the .cst file into your instrument folder you can use the same setting on your midi instrument without changing the instrument itself.

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Good to know about the .cst files. Very interested in seeing your method.

I've got another way as well which involves navigating through the user Library with the arrow keys but one issue I had with this is that logic tries to load every user patch on selection. So if the user patch I want to load is the last in one in a list of ten patches (in a subfolder), Logic tries to load all the previous 9 patches as I scroll through them. I guess I could create individual subfolders for each patch? Seems like a lot of work though.

Hmmm...suppose I could type the name of the patch the select?

Actually this seems to be working pretty reliably for me at the moment regardless of what windows I have open. Perhaps my concern about the patches loading was a bit premature because this folder currently has two patches and the one I'm selecting is the bottom one. Seems as if you go quickly enough (i.e. cut any pauses) Logic just jumps to where you want to go without loading the previous patches

Spitfire Studio Strings Violins 1 - (8) CB.kmmacros (100.8 KB)

I will work on putting together the video today as it's been something I've wanted to do for quite some time and haven't really had a specific reason to create it. It will likely solve all of the problems you are experiencing. For the moment I will record a brief video demonstrating what it looks like in action and send it over!