I am trying to create an "App blocker" using KM.
I am planning to enable the macro that simply closes the "Blocked apps" as soon as they're launched but to make it full-proof I want to prevent the disabling of this macro manually.
Is there a way to password protect disabling a macro?
Thanks in anticipation
Hey @forums2012,
There’s no way to do that in Keyboard Maestro.
The best you can do is hide the macro with an innocuous name.
and then hope that your users do not think to disable the KM Engine
Does MacOS support installing apps only for some users? I guess just putting the .app package in a /User/home/ rather than in /Applications?
Or is this an anti-distraction and/or academic test environment that the OP is going for?
Perhaps a VM could be useful?
@forums2012, I think we just need more info about your context