I am relatively niave to the complex options available and typically use the record button to produce my macros. I have a CITRIX application that does not want to use my second screen, so I have to drag the front window to the second screen and resize it. The MOve and Resize Front window macro seems like it might be useful, but the commands that go into the MOve to windows require explanation, and I cannot find a listing anywhere in the Wiki or manual. Things like SCREEN(2,Left) + 50 are in some of the macros others have written. Where do I find explanations of these options?
This might help:
If not, there are plenty of other posts about this topic. Search the forum for "move window" "second screen" and similar terms.
Have you read this KM Wiki article: Manipulate a Window action
Seems clear to me, but if you have further questions about it let us know.
Also in the KM Wiki:
SCREEN function
You can easily get help on these Actions, Functions, and Tokens by holding down the OPT key when selecting the menu item in Edit > Insert Action | Function | Token and then the specific item:
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