Turning Excel/Numbers values into lines of code

Hi there,
I am struggling with turning values in Excel/numbers into parts of code. The length of the process may vary depending on the # of rows, and I am trying to automate this procedure. The code with placeholders would look like this:

var pbjs = pbjs || {};
pbjs.que = pbjs.que || [];
pbjs.que.push(function() {
    code: 'PLACEMENTCODE', 
    bids: [{
        bidder: 'appnexusAst',
        params: {
            placementId: 'PLACEMENTID'
    code: 'PLACEMENTCODE', 
    bids: [{
        bidder: 'appnexusAst',
        params: {
            placementId: 'PLACEMENTID'
    code: 'PLACEMENTCODE', 
    bids: [{
        bidder: 'appnexusAst',
        params: {
            placementId: 'PLACEMENTID'

And the script turns it into this:

I know that jumping between programs is not ideal and causes issues. Hence, the recording function doesn't work and would lack the ability to update the workflow in the future.

Ideally the workflow would:

  • detect the # of rows
  • print the first lines of code until it hits the first Placeholder
  • repeat the same copy/paste script until the last item of the second column is pasted
  • print the last lines of code

Do you have suggestions/bp on such a workflow?

Select all the rows and columns (so from A2 to B22 in this case), then trigger your macro.

  • Use the Copy action to copy to the clipboard.
  • Use the Set Variable to Text action to set a variable "Entries" to "".
  • Use the For Each action with the https://wiki.keyboardmaestro.com/collection/Lines_In to read each line from the clipboard.
    • Use the Search using Regular Expression action with the regex ([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*) to extract the first two columns to variables PlacementCode and PlacementId.
    • Use the Set Variable to Text action to set a variable "Entries" to "%Variable%Entries%{ code: '%Variable%PlacementCode%', bids… placementId: '%Variable%PlacementId%' … },\n". (ie, append an entry to the variable Entries
  • Then you can add the leading stuff ("var pbjs…") and trailing stuff as necessary.

See how you go with that.

I think this should do the trick, or at least get you started.

I used an Excel file for the source data, like this:


This is my dummy data, but I think it is representative of yours.
If you use Apple Numbers, you will have to change the AppleScript, or convert the file to Excel.

Example Output


AppleScript to Create Text List of Source Data for Use in KM Macro

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
  set startRange to first range of active cell
  set dataRange to current region of startRange
  set rowList to value of dataRange
  set dataListStr to ""
  repeat with iRow from 2 to (count of rows in dataRange)
    set oRow to item iRow of rowList
    set codeStr to item 1 of oRow --range codeRng
    set idStr to item 2 of oRow
    set dataListStr to dataListStr & codeStr & "," & idStr & linefeed
  end repeat
  return dataListStr
end tell

To auto-detect the data range, you must have an empty row below, and an empty column to the right of the data block.

MACRO:   Build Blocks of Code from Spreadsheet [Example]

<a class="attachment" href="/uploads/default/original/3X/4/2/426a8ba18d3304c7d70e5c2ca752725861391548.kmmacros">Build Blocks of Code from Spreadsheet [Example].kmmacros</a> (7.1 KB)
**Note: This Macro was uploaded in a DISABLED state. You must enable before it can be triggered.**




Will this work for you?

Sorry for the minimal documentation, but I'm at the end of my day and thought you might prefer to look at and test what I have rather than wait another day for more documentation.

1 Like

@JMichaelTX @peternlewis
I am fairly new to km, but know that I have to dig into it to actually learn something. So thanks for providing all this and I will look at it with fresh eyes tomorrow.

Besides: I can't stress enough how supportive this community is and how your work helps scraping off hours of meaningless tasks allover the world.


Hey @Jarko,

I'd start with something like this to pull the values of the used-range of the worksheet into a list of lists dataset in AppleScript.

Each list corresponds to a row of data.

# Auth: Christopher Stone
# dCre: 2018/05/11 09:10
# dMod: 2018/05/11 09:10 
# Appl: Microsoft Excel
# Task: Extract Data from the Used Range of an Excel Worksheet
# Libs: None
# Osax: None
# Tags: @Applescript, @Script, @Microsoft_Excel, @Extract, @Data, @Used, @Range, @Excel, @Worksheet

# Extract the Data from the Used-Range as a list of lists.
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
   tell active sheet of active workbook
      set myData to used range's value
   end tell
end tell

# Remove the Header Line Items:
set myData to items 2 thru -1 of myData


Once you have the data in this form it will be very fast to iterate through and input the data into your template.

You should tell us what app you're using besides Excel.

You should also post the actual text template and an Excel test document for us to play with.

This will improve the quality of the help you'll get.


Chris, thanks for sharing your script, particularly the above statement.
That is a very useful trick. :+1:

For those who might want to return the data from Excel to KM as a text table, I have added a few lines to Chris' script:

# Auth: Christopher Stone
# dCre: 2018/05/11 09:10
# dMod: 2018/05/11 09:10 
# Appl: Microsoft Excel
# Task: Extract Data from the Used Range of an Excel Worksheet
# Libs: None
# Osax: None
# Tags: @Applescript, @Script, @Microsoft_Excel, @Extract, @Data, @Used, @Range, @Excel, @Worksheet

# Extract the Data from the Used-Range as a list of lists.
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
  tell active sheet of active workbook
    set myData to used range's value
  end tell
end tell

# Remove the Header Line Items:
set myData to items 2 thru -1 of myData

--- Convert List of Lists to Text List ---    added by @JMichaelTX
--  (col separated by commas, rows separated by linefeeds)

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
set myDataListStr to {}
repeat with oItem in myData
  set end of myDataListStr to oItem as text
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to linefeed
set myDataListStr to myDataListStr as text

return myDataListStr

So, it reads this:


and returns this text table:


which can be easily processed using the KM For Each action.