I get this issue on and off with my macros where two dialog windows pop up for me. Has anyone else seen this or know how to fix it. Sometimes it goes away other times when I run the macro again it makes the second dialog box go away right away. Sometimes it takes quite awhile for it to go away.
It is not at all unique to this macro, but I've included it here since that's what I did a screen capture of.
At 27 seconds I just ran the macro again and the second empty Keyboard Maestro User Input window went away. The second time it just went away on its own a bit quicker. I have just gotten use to it but it would be nice if it didn't pop up the same window again empty. Again some days the same macro doesn't do that at all.
Two Dialog Windows
Screen Capture Example Used In the Above GIF
Super Fast Screen Capture and Rename - (1) Save Selection to Clipboard.kmmacros (48 KB)