Type keystroke X times based on value in local counter variable

Attached macro

At the end of my macro I have the local counter increase by 1. When the script repeats I wish for the Tab keystroke to be typed the same amount that is stored in that local counter variable. So if the counter variable currently reads 7, then the tab keystroke should be typed 7 times.

Is this possible? Perhaps my current macro layout is also incorrect? Variable counter.kmmacros (4.5 KB)

You can always use a Repeat action. And the number of repeats can be a variable: Example:

__Tmp <9988 200320T124741>-pty-fs8

__Tmp <9988 200320T124653>.kmmacros (2.2 KB)

This should press 4 × Tab

But if you could give a concrete use-case, maybe we find some better solution.