Unable to set variable

Hi all,

I've been using KM for years with no problem. (I'm on v10.2 on macOS Ventura.) All of a sudden, yesterday, one of my macros stopped working correctly. After troubleshooting, I determined that a "Set Variable" command in the macro stopped functioning at all. It simply will not set the variable to any new value. I tried deleting the variable from the KM Preferences and now the Set Variable step will not recreate it at all.

I changed the name of the variable that Set Variable is trying to set to a new variable name, and it will not create ANY new variables at all.

I changed the name of the variable that Set Variable is trying to set to an existing variable, and it will not change the existing variable's value.

Basically, this looks like a bug and I'm wondering if I can fix it by clearing cache or resetting preferences. Any suggestions?

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It sounds like possibly your Keyboard Maestro Variables.sqlite database has become corrupted.

I suggest you:

  • Launch the Keyboard Maestro editor
  • Select Help ➤ Open Preferences folder
  • Switch back to the Keyboard Maestro editor
  • File ➤ Quit Engine
  • Keyboard Maestro ➤ Quit Keyboard Maestro
  • Trash the Keyboard Maestro Variables.sqlite file in the Keyboard Maestro preferences folder.
  • Launch Keyboard Maestro.app (which will also launch the Keyboard Maestro Engine).

This will delete all your Keyboard Maestro variables, so you will need to reset (or save and restore) any that have important information in them.