Universal font size changing macro


This is probably an absurd question.

Using shortcuts to change font size is a pain because there is so much variation among apps Pages, Evernote, Scrivener etc), even more recently since some apps have adopted Cmd-+/- to change the zoom instead of font size.

Is it conceivable to create a macro to increase / decrease font size across all (most) apps ?

thanks very much for your time and input

Yes, but probably not without including app-specific actions :wink:

Example (pseudocode):

  • Trigger: ⌃⌥⇧⌘+
  • If frontmost application is TextEdit or Numbers or Mail then keystroke ⌘+
  • If frontmost application is MS Word then keystroke ⇧⌘.
  • etc.

(Or better, instead of keystroke, via AppleScript if the app supports it.)

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I've also solved this as @Tom with a shortcut. However, more elegantly implemented with BetterTouch Tool. I make this macro ...

I adjust this for each app (cmd +. Cmd - etc.). Then I set the same touchgeste in the different app's. Here is a short video.
At my age one can not remember so much ... already not so many shortcuts :sunglasses:

Please excuse my English ... Google Translate is my best friend :wink:

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herzlichen Dank für die Idee und das Video (thank you very much for the idea and the video).

thank you very much Tom.

Now that I think abou it, I was unconsciously hoping that the solution would include a way to change font size when there is no shortcut available (eg: MS OneNote for Mac)

I am glad to help. If you have any questions … I am there. (Bin gerne behilflich. Bei Fragen… ich bin da :wink:)

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Vielen Dank. Wenn du Probleme mit Englisch hast, es freut mich dich zu helfen.

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Es gibt Deutschsprachige hier. Überrascht ja nicht, bei so einer tollen Software, Ohne sie geht auf meinem Mac nichts!


vielen Dank