Upgrading to KM 8 solve problems

Having all sorts of problems since upgrading to Mojave. KM is unable to access menus/submenus in MS Word, or Path Finder. But no error message. I've tried unchecking, removing entries in the security pane and rebooting.

I'm using KM 7. Is KM 8 designed to address accessibility issues? I can't test it because I tried it a while ago, and my trial period is used up. Don't want to purchase if it leaves me in the same position.

Since I don't have MS Word I can't test. But I'm sure someone will have it and be able to test. I think it would be wise for you to upload a small code sample that doesn't work so people can test it easily on KM 8.

Good idea, thanks.

This sounds like accessibility permission issues, and if so, it would only be random chance if Keyboard Maestro 8 resolved it - it is not a Keyboard Maestro issue at all.

See the Accessibility Permission Problem assistance for some ideas on resolving it.

Thanks to everyone. After many reboots, disablings, and file deletions, prob is solved.

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