Use Aspell (Homebrew Package) to Spell Check a Word

Thank you so much @_jims and @cdthomer it is working now.

Homebrew in in M1 Macs is in /opt/

and Aspell is downloaded in


So for any one with M1 Macs you have two options

@cdthomer way by copying /opt/homebrew/bin/ in the provided macro that set ENV_PATH




@_jims way
by adding the same path inside the original macro as he mentioned before


I tried both ways all them works perfectly.


Hey I'm stoked that you were able to get it working. I should have thought of this a little earlier because my wife's MacBook is an M1 and I had to setup the environmental path variable differently on hers... but that was so long ago I forgot haha.

Anyhoo, be sure to let me know how you like the macro itself and if you have any ideas to improve it. :grin:


Haha well I know I don't have as much "experience" as you but i'm at least old enough these days to understand what you're talking about. :sweat_smile:

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I wouldn't go through all of this trouble if it's not amazing. thank you :heart:


Thank you for those kind words!

If you're a Typinator user, check out the macro I built to quickly add a mistyped word to a set using Typinator's AppleScript dictionary and Aspell to provide spelling suggestions.

KMF: Redesigned: Quickly Create an Auto-Correction Expansion With Typinator (Using Aspell and Typinator's AppleScript dictionary)


Thank you for this amazing macro. I made some edits so it can support Medical Terms.

I used (hunspell) instead of (aspell)

Files (577.5 KB)

Then I copied these files to /Users/"your user name"/Library/Spelling

Then I edited the macro command





CleanShot 2022-07-04 at 14.34.31

Finally, I would appreciate the help if someone can implement this on aspell instead of hunspell or edit the macro so it use aspell when it is a normal world and use hunspell when it is a medical term.

hunspell with Medical Terms.kmmacros (70.7 KB)

Link from where I got the Medical Dictionary

Hey there! Thanks for trying out the macro and I'm glad to see it's proven useful for you.

The only way I can think of to easily modify it to differentiate between medical and non-medical words is to use two different triggers, and use the two different CLI programs (aspell and hunspell) according to which trigger you used.

For an idea of what I mean by this, see these two screenshots which are part of another macro I built that also uses Aspell.

Screenshots (click to expand/collapse)

Obviously you could simplify that by just using the actual triggers in the switch action; again this is just an example taken from my other aforementioned macro here:

KMF: Redesigned: Quickly Create an Auto-Correction Expansion With Typinator (Using Aspell and Typinator's AppleScript dictionary)

Thank you for the help

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