Useful JXA libraries <Tips>

The library at
[RobTrew/prelude-jxa: Generic functions for macOS and iOS scripting in Javascript – function names as in Hoogle]( contains many functions useful for JXA script development and is written by ComplexPoint.


Generic functions for:

  • macOS scripting with JavaScript for Automation
  • iOS scripting in JavaScript, with apps like the excellent 1Writer, and @agiletortoise's Drafts.


  • Function names are as in Hoogle.
  • The 300+ functions in jsPrelude.js are generic and cross-platform (macOS, iOS etc),
  • The 20+ functions in jxaSystemIO.js are specific to macOS.
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What is "" ?

That is my Github repository, often linked to from this forum, and often referenced in code posted here. I have given no permission to spam farms, or anyone else, to host a copy of it.

Could I ask you to remove that link from your post and replace it with a direct link to the Github repository itself:

[RobTrew/prelude-jxa: Generic functions for macOS and iOS scripting in Javascript – function names as in Hoogle](

which, for one thing, is kept up to date, and is not being farmed for traffic. (I have no idea what the "" business model is, but it certainly doesn't involve me : -)

Note FWIW, that I have also created an AppleScript version, with side by side comparison of the JS and AS versions:

[RobTrew/prelude-applescript: Generic functions for macOS scripting with Applescript – function names as in Hoogle](

Thanks ! Rob.


the link has amended according to your request.


Thanks for doing that.

"" doesn't even appear to provide contact details, so there is no obvious way of asking it to take things down or desist.

It does, however, ask for cookies, which may be a clue to how it is attempting to generate revenue.