Title: [UserLog] Depending on mode, writes one or more of Log, Notify or Alert
Code ONE call to the UserLog macro, instead of say Notify action:-
Sample output in UserLog file
Version and Last Update: 26/05/2020 20:08:03 V1.00
Written by: Jonathon Lewys ©2020
Acknowledgements: Peter N Lewis and the Keyboard Maestro Forum.
Disclaimer: Caveat Utilitor applies. See Version History for explanation
Summary: Depending on mode, write one or more of Log, Notify or Alert messages.
JGLp [UserLog] Depending on Mode, write one or more of Log, Notify and Alert messages]
HotkeyCombos: Only for palette group and help.
None outside its own macro group
Test environment: Keyboard Maestro 9.05 and Mojave
00 Display Palette of Macros in this macro group
11 Write the log/notify/alert message (The heart of the system)
90 Set the User RUNMODE, displays help and acts as test harness
91 Display all significant variables used (used in debugging).
Installation notes and Customisation:
(All customisation variables are named: Cuz
Path to UserLog directory
(default = KM Log directory= ~/Library/Logs/Keyboard Maestro)
Number of lines per UserLog before starting a new one (MsgLineCountMax)
Error code prefix - currently Err.
Error code suffix - currently .YOUR initials
Error code format either INFERR or STANDARD or DEBUG
Quick start guide.
Use the test harness (90) to create some error messages and then look at the log file created.
This set of macros had three objectives
A: to notify the user with a meaningful error message if something went wrong
B: for the developer to add debug and testing messages, that could be left in situ when the macro went into production
C: for the support person to be able to quickly identify the error message and take the appropriate corrective action
This macro can do the following:-
A: write a meaningful message to a new UserLog file and/or the KM Engine log file
B: display a meaningful message via the notify action
C: raise an alert with a meaningful error message.
Operationally i.e. what is theRUNMODE?
The user/developer is running the computer in one of three modes
A: Production
B: Testing
C: Debug
This operational mode is known as the RUNMODE, and can be changed at any time by setting a Global variable to P or T or D. (UserLog_RunMode_s)
The Error message.
The error message that is written to the log or the notify or the alert is constructed as follows in one of two styles
The default format is
[Timestamp][Error mode] [nnn] Err.e[eee.ss].e[Author/System] Error text
and, alternatively, in my preferred format as
[Timestamp][Error mode] [nnn] [INF or ERR or SEV or DBG]nnn.SS.e[Author] Error text
If format is set to DEBUG, then the macro variables used will be displayed at the end i.e. last step of the macro.
The term MacroActionMode and ErrorMode are the SAME thing.
So the eError mode is P or T or D
[Nnn] says what action to take(see below}
Eee is the error number assigned by developer
Author/System is the name of the developer or system
Error text is free format but should not contain any commas
Runmode and Error mode
Runmode is the mode of operation of the computer
Errormode/MacroActionmode is decided by developer to indicate as follows
If the Runmode is P then only messages with Error mode of e P will be actioned
If the Runmode is T then only messages with Error mode of e P or T will be actioned
If the Runmode is D then only messages with Error mode of e P or T or D will be actioned
So when looking at the macro source, it it is very easy to see in the macro code whether an error message is for Production or Testing or Debugging.
The nnn will be covered below
The error message written to the Log or displayed is constructed as
Err.eee.SS.AA and is displayed as [………….]
Err. Can be customised (Prefix)
Eee.SS is down to the developer, e.g. 101.KM, or 203.UL
Finally AA is the Author of the system. (Suffix). Can also be changed.
In my preferred format, it is
What action to be taken. nnn explained.
The nnn is a set of three octal digits. 0-7. (like Unix permissions).
Each of them is better represented by ptd, where p is the first octal digit.
t and the second and third..
They represent the action to be taken as follows
000 - no action
Xx1 - write a log message
X1x - create a notify message
1xx - create an alert
So a production message might be
P1td, just write a log message
P0td, do nothing
P3td - write a log message and notify
P7td - write a log message, notify and alert
T and D are based on exactly the same principle
“t” is used if the RUNMODE is T
“d” is used if the RUNMODE is D
This is best explained by way of an example
I have a macro step in Production so I could code it as
P111 - In production mode, just log message, AND in Test or Debug mode do the same
P133 - In production mode, just log message, BUT in Test or Debug mode do BOTH log and notify
T337 In production mode, ignore it as it is a Test message (first 3 is also ignored)
If RUNMODE = Test, then using the second 3, so log and notify
If RUNMODE = Debug, then using the third digit (7), log, notify and alert.
In RUNMODE = Prod, then using First 7 log, and notify and alert.
In RUNMODE = Test, then using Second 7, log and notify and alert.
If RUNMODE = Debug, then using Third 7 , log and notify and alert.
So to summarise
If the run mode is P only do P messages and use first octal
If the run mode is T only do P and T messages and use second octal
If the run mode is D do P, T and D messages and use third octal
If the octal is
000 do nothing
xx1 do log
X1x do notify
1xx do alert
Most of the time the codes will be
This coding scheme means you can leave the macro in place in the code, and it will only execute depending on the RUNMODE value.
Alerts from within this program/macro
UserLog ERR.301.UL.JGL as chars 1,2 are not SP/ST/SD
UserLog ERR.302.UL.JGL Fifth char should be a comma, check param format
UserLog SEV.901.UL.JGL Runaway macro, called too many times
UserLog SEV.911.UL.JGL as chars 234 are not octal [0-7]
NB The macro will STOP if too many messages are wrtten too quickly.