For those of you interested in these two languages, I thought you might find this post by the veteran Shane Stanley helpful:
Question by Neil Faiman:
Is there a straightforward way to put together an app containing both Swift (or ObjC) and AppleScript code, where the main program is Swift, but it calls into AppleScript to do particular functions?Response by Shane Stanley:
The other way is to use AppleScriptObjC. You put your scripts in an AppleScript .scpt file in your app's /Contents/Resources, import the AppleScriptObjC framework, and call [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadAppleScriptObjectiveCScripts] early on. Your scripts should be of the form of a script object with a Cocoa class as parent and the handlers in a form compatible with Objective-C conventions:
script SomeClassName
property parent: class "NSObject"
on doStuff()
end doStuff
on doStuffWith:x
set x to x as integer
return x * 2
end doStuffWith:
end script
You then include the handlers in an @nterface file for the "class", and instantiate your instance:
self.helperASObject = [[NSClassFromString(@"SomeClassName") alloc] init];
and essentially treat it like a Cocoa class:
NSUInteger val = [self.helperASObject doStuffWith:@4];
The scripting bridge will then convert the common classes (NSString, NSNumbers, NSArray, NSDictionary, etc).
Shane Stanley email@hidden
AppleScriptObjC Resources,