Using Get Substring to delete specific text?

I'm trying to create a shortcut palette for a program. Is there an easier way to do this within KM? Or, if this is a reasonable workflow, how can I use Get Substring or another command to accomplish the following?

  • Create text file with one line per shortcut
  • Use the first part of a line for a semantic description of the shortcut (i.e. "Bullet List")
  • Separate the typed string with some string which would never appear in a description or shortcut string like /&/& or something.
  • Use Prompt with List to call the text file and search the semantic description to select shortcut.
  • Use Get Substring to delete up to and including /&/&
  • Write result

Bolded text is specifically what I'm having an issue with. I've gotten everything else to work pretty smoothly.