Using Keyboard Maestro with Parallels


I try to use Keyboard Maestro with Parallels > Excel for windows.

In excel for windows you have the option to create commands with the ALT key followed bij Alphabetical letter. For example ALT, E, S, V, ENTER > paste the copied value in a cell.

That's a lot of keys to remember so I would like to create a macro for it in Keyboard Maestro.

However, I can't choose the keystroke: ALT to be pressed as a single key.
Does anybody has an advice how to fix this?

I use Keyboard Maestro with Parallels.

Iā€™m not at my Mac now, but here are two bits of advice that might help.

  1. Instead of focussing on the exact keys strokes you are using see if there is another way to have Excel do the action you want. It might be you can change the hot key in Excel itself and have Keyboard Maestro press that new hot key.

  2. At the worst you could make a Macro in Excel itself as Excel can make its own Macros.

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I'm not sure about Parallels as I haven't used it in a while, but I do a ton of work with Remote Desktop and I've found as long as i do "Typing" actions instead of Pasting actions it usually works with whatever keys you normally have to type, you just need extra timings in it to give remote desktop/parallels a chance to operate.

So when I use excel via Remote Desktop i use Opt+E on my Mac keyboard to send an Alt+E, but i need an initial delay before typing it to make sure the other end has cleared which modifier keys i'm holding down for the hotkey. Then another pause to give the app a time to respond to the first keystroke sent.

Example Macro

I immediately start the macro with a pause, this is to give me time (and remote desktop to notify the other end) that my hands are off the keyboard. If I set the initial delay to .2 it worked if i was really careful to make sure i lifted my hands off the modifier keys QUICKLY. So I made it 1/2 a second instead.

After sending the option-e (alt-e) i needed another delay to give Excel time to go into it's mode. Finally i can send the remaining keystrokes using Insert text by typing. I occasionally, for other applications, I have to revert this final step to sending keystrokes individually with pauses in between but for excel it seemed reliable.