Variables with echo formatting enforced (not desired)


I have a string of variables that get combined and then executed in Terminal.

However the last string is being read and formatted by Keyboard Maestro, instead of passed along as plain text to then have Terminal do the formatting.

Is there a way to overcome this? See below for the input string and what Keyboard Maestro returns.

INPUT to variable:

echo -e "\n\nAll done\n\nOkay to close this window\n\n"

Above text as Variable when displayed from KM:

echo -e "

All done

Okay to close this window


OUTPUT from Terminal directly (without going through KM):

All done

Okay to close this window

If you are using the Set Variable to Text action to set the variable, then adjust the settings (in the gear menu) to turn Text Processing off to stop Keyboard Maestro from processing \ codes and tokens.

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That was it, perfect thanks.

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