Wait for front browser to finish loading action - bug?

Adding "Wait for front browser to finish loading" action is now requiring me to restart the KM engine. Here are the macro's steps:

Doing this without the "Wait For Front Browser to Finish Loading" action and the final move resize action does not happen. Adding the "Wait For Front Browser to Finish Loading" action "breaks" this macro's group action. The macro's group is called "Locations".

The group titled "Locations" is opened from within another group called "Global Toolbar iMac" by a "Show Macro Group "Locations" for One Action" macro. Once the "Wait For Front Browser to Finish Loading" is added as shown above, I can no long call up the "Locations" group as it just flashes on the screen for a second then closes. The only way to get the macro group "Locations" to stay open again is to restart the KM engine.

Running macOS 10.13.6, KM 8.2.4

Is this clear?

Have you enabled JavaScript access as describe on the wiki Allow JavaScript From Apple Events assistance page?

That was it. My error.

Thanks for your time and attention.

No worries - I will endeavour to try to add better reporting of that case for Chrome and Safari in a future version.

@peternlewis I've come across this issue in the last couple of days. I have a macro set up which:

  • Creates a new Chrome window with a webpage
  • When that's loaded resizes the window
  • Open a number of tabs for other websites

I've had this macro for over a year and in the last couple of days it seems to have stopped working. It appears that the first step is not completing successfully - the browser opens the specified page but then keeps on running.

For now I've worked around this by changing the timeout to 1 second and unchecking "Abort macro after timeout" and "Notify after timeout". I'm puzzled why this behaviour has changed now however?

Any thoughts please?

Is this using the Wait For Front Browser to Finish Loading action?

If so, it could be a change in either Chrome or in the web page that affects the behaviour of the action.