Web Browser - Safari Macros (v11.0.3)

Web Browser - Safari Macros (v11.0.3)

Web Browser - Safari Macros.kmmacros (360 KB)

I search Keyboard Maestro forum so often I finally just buckled down and made some macros for Safari that searches my user and other users posts as well as links to several other resources found on the web and in the Keyboard Maestro help menu.

I also have in this bundle the ability to search a user by name with various pages related to them.

If any of the users I have referecned would like to be taken off of this macro please let me know. Of course you are searchable as is but perhaps you may not want to be highlighted in this way. All of you have helped me in one way or another and there have been many other users that are very helpful to others and have helped me that may not be listed here. The order listed in the macro "Keyboard Maestro - Keyboard Maestro Power Users/Helpers/Moderators [Referenced Macro]" is not in any sort of importance so if there were a round table method to list you power users I would.


Thank you everyone that has contributed and made life better for others and given of your time it is very appreceated!


Great resource, @skillet; thanks for sharing!

I've shared a related macro that has some overlapping features: Forum Username Tool

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That's great, thank you for the link and I will check it out in more detail when I can.

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You're welcome, @skillet. You motivated me to update it today. With some regularity I've added forum users to the selection list. Today that group included you. :grinning:

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Thank you that is very thoughtful of you!

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