What are all of the AppleScript Object Properties for KM Objects?

What are all of the AppleScript Object Properties for KM Objects?

I have searched everywhere, and I have been unable to find this.

Can anyone please provide comprehensive documentation for using AppleScript with KM? The AppleScript Dictionary and the KM documentation are not much help.

For example, what are all of the “properties” that are available when creating KM Variables in AppleScript?

Here’s some sample code:

tell application "Evernote"
-- Keyboard Maestro Var¡ab[e
tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
	make variable with properties {name:"ENSelection", value:the clipboard, }
end tell

end tell

What other KM objects are available? Like Named Clipboards for example?

There are no other properties except a more or less private unique ID. This can easily be seen in AppleScript:

tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
    properties of variable "Variable"
end tell

or by looking in the scripting documentation with Script Editor:

What do you think is missing from the docs?