Update: I just quit and restarted the app and the symbol went away.
I have just installed KM on a new computer and I noticed a warning sign on the lower right corner of the editor window. Everything seems to be functioning normally, but I don't know if I'm missing something. If I click on the symbol nothing happens.
Does anyone know what is gong on?
I've not seen that symbol in the KM Editor, but you might check the KM Log files:
GoTo menu Help > Open Logs Folder
This might be a long shot, but if you ever come across the symbol again, one option might be to turn on macOS’s built-in screen reader, VoiceOver (such as through System Preferences → Accessibility → VoiceOver → Enable VoiceOver).
And once VoiceOver is on, if you’re able to focus the warning symbol (either with your keyboard or mouse), that might hopefully trigger VoiceOver’s instincts to read the symbol’s accessible label aloud.
Or, alternately, @peternlewis could chime in and tell us. Either way. 
P.S. In case Peter sees this message, I just thought I should check: Does that warning symbol have an accessible label applied to it, in case someone were to be using VoiceOver?
If you click on it it should display the warning.
The warning will be one of:
It should have a hover tool tip, but based on its position, I'd say it is the Translocation issue.
But I don't understand why clicking it does not bring up the warning sheet.