Hey August
let me throw some thoughts in here...
If I remember it right the Date Value
in the Macro / Macro Group XML is a UNIX Timestamp
which is automatically created by KM.
It could be read and converted to a real
Date-Time Stamp
that you can use for example in your Macro Release Notes. -
You could also change that Value outside KM used on an Exported Macro or Macro Group XML File if you want to convering the File date of the Exported file to a
Unix Time Stamp
and replacing the original Value in the XML File.-
NOTE: Inside KM this will not be possible
The Value of the ActionUID/ActionUUID is an absolute unique integer - which - if I remember it right - you could store in a Dictionary with all dependencies for it (Action Infos & the Macro it is in) But that is very overkill
Dan (@DanThomas) somewhere wrote that you can use it if you run the Action of your choice in an Execute AppleScript or JXA Action - but you dont need that Integer Value if the Action is scripted since the Integer is changed every time the scripted Action is executed.
If you want to insert a specific Action using Code like AppleScript or JXA into a Macro using the Action's XML - You don't really need that Value either - KM does the Job for you.
If You are willing to have a unique and documented Value to find that Action whenever you want to - You Need a workflow which
- a) creates a database that stores all ActionUID's (including other nessesary Infos)
- b) fetches all of them to create a new unique one and creates that Value for you
- c) adds that new ActionUID to that Database
- d) the ActionUID is used to create and insert the Action into your Macro.
For Creating Macros with a UUID the whole thing is quite similar. You dont really need the UUID until you create for example One Main Macro and two linked Submacros on the Fly using AppleScript or JXA.
If there are existing Macros Involved you have to examine their UUID's to use them - If the Macros are new ones you must esure that the UUID's are unique otherwise KM would create the UUID's for you and you would have to link the macros together by hand.
If you want to toggle Macros or Macro Groups there is the same like I wrote it for MacroUUIDs.
You can also create a searchable Pick List for your Toggle Macro or Toggle Macro Group Acrions to insert in your currently selected Macro by using Dan's fabolous Pick 'Execute a Macro' as a starting point using a custom List.
You can also try to combine this Pick-List with the base of @ccstone's AppleScript Code (thanx Chris) which was mentioned by @tiffle before.
There is a Macro provided by Chris (@ccstone) about an attributed Action (Comment)
which should give you a starting point on this ....
Maybe I've forgot something here maybe not ...
Greetings from Germany