What’s a generic macro that you use every single day that saves you time or makes life easier?

Interested to hear different ways people are using KM :slight_smile:

I'm not sure which macro to mention, so I'll pick a unique one for this thread.

Whenever I need a 5-minute break from things, (maybe a dozen times per day) I play the Apple Arcade game Snake.io+ which is fun but it's tricky to play due to the awkward way that the mouse works in that game. I decided to use KM to "rewrite the mouse driver" which makes the mouse behave much better, and makes me a much better player. Here's my code. Basically, it always moves the mouse back to the centre of the screen, which means the mouse effectively changes into a directional device, rather than a device that you have to know the position of it in order to relocate and change your snake's direction. In addition, I added an IF statement so that if I hold the Shift key down, it doesn't do anything (which you will need to press to be able to click on buttons when the game ends.) If you have Apple Arcade, you can give this macro a try. I set the hotkey to F18 to start it up (although I could also start it automatically when the app is activated.) It ends when the game is no longer the frontmost application.

Move Towards Center Macro (v11.0.3)

Move Towards Center.kmmacros (5.4 KB)

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I'll mention a group of related macros..simple but tons of value:

I've remapped cut copy and paste to f-keys (holding down ⌘ all the time made my thumb sore). That alone is crazy nice.

Further, ⇧paste will paste the second-to-last thing copied. Or a long press will summon my clipboard manager.

Finally, long press-copy will initiate an OCR copy of a specific range.

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Aside from the Application Switcher? That's probably my most-used, most-generic macro. Learning about all its 'hidden' functionality has been really exciting.

Not sure how generic it is, but I have a macro that automates a bunch of changes depending on the current Focus mode to help me 'switch modes'.

Again, not sure how generic it is, but I wrote a relatively new macro that I'm still fine-tuning but already using daily; it gives me a selection list of running background processes from which to choose and kill via shell script. Previously I was always having to open btop in terminal, filter for the process by name (I don't always know what the full name is to be able to use pkill directly), then select and kill it. Now I have a hot key to call up a spotlight-esque field type just a few characters to filter and hit enter, and done: process killed. I've since made two additional macros for running foreground and all running processes, but I'm not sure how often I'll use either of those compared to the background process killer.

When I share an article on social media, especially Facebook, I like to include a pull-quote. When I include a pull-quote, I like to wrap the quote in quotation marks. [S]ometimes I start the quote in the middle of a sentence, requiring brackets around the capitalized first letter of the pull-quote. Sometimes the quoted text contains an internal quotation, requiring me to change the "double-quotes" in the quoted text with 'single-quotes.' Sometimes my pull-quote consists of two or more chunks of text from disparate areas of the article, requiring . . . . elipses. Making sure the pull-quote looks nice and pretty, because that's the way I like it, is time-consuming and tedious. So I created a macro palette I trigger with PopClip ("Copy+"), which appears after I select text, whose actions let me do all that in seconds, as opposed to long minutes. E.g.:


