What Tags Do You Want?

The trouble I have just pointed out :wink:

[Edit] Solve here :thumbsup:

Thanks JMichaelTX for your efforts spend on tagging (among other things about KM).

-- Alain

Yes, the list seems to be complete now. Thank you!

Is it considered good practice if I add the correct tags to my existing and still editable threads?

Iā€™m asking because adding/changing tags seems to bump the thread to the top of the list, which is not exactly desirable.

Yes, itā€™s fine. Itā€™s a shame Discourse bumps the topics when you make tiny modifications to them, but thatā€™s just the way it is - the same thing happens if you fix a typo in a topic or the like, but itā€™s better (I think) to make the site as a whole worthwhile than to worry about a temporary bump of a topic.

Besides, the topic may show up at just the right time for someone else to see, who knowsā€¦

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You are right. Iā€™ll write a macro now that bumps my topics every 60 minutes :wink:

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Two questions:

  • Is the html-prompt tag only for topics where ā€œbuilding HTML promptsā€ is the main subject, or also for posted macros that contain (and demonstrate) a working HTML prompt?

  • The tools tag: is it meant forā€¦

    • only scripting/macro tools (macro/scripting helpers like Accessibility Inspector etc.), orā€¦
  • also for macros that work with command line tools, or/andā€¦

  • also for macros that are tools themselves?

An example for the latter two would be my PNG Optimizer macro.

First, the tag name uses an underscore, not a dash:

We are trying to maintain consistency across all tags and use only the underscore to separate words in a tag name.

IMO, html_prompt refers to any macro, usage, or discussion about the KM Action Custom HTML Prompt.

IMO, it has a broad use/intention, but limited to KM. Basically any piece of standalone software that aids in the development of KM macros, or maintaining your KM app/setup/library. That could include a KM macro which, for example, maintains your KM Variables.

In one sense, all macros are a "tool" of some definition, in that they help us get some task done more efficiently. But we would not want to tag all macros with tools tag -- it would be come meaningless.

So, let's restrict the `tools" tag to those tools that specifically help us with KM in some way.

Does that make sense?

Yeah, sorry, I have still difficulties to adjust to that. Underscores in tags are soā€¦ ugly :wink:

No, I rather meant macros that work as standalone tools, not for example UI macros that type keystrokes in another program.

But I got you, tools in the sense of ā€˜KM helpersā€™, OK. Have to correct a couple of tags that I set wrong then.

BTW, it seems that a topic doesnā€™t get bumped now when I set a tag. Nice. Did you change something?

conventions (naming, documenting, etc)l
GUI (not ui_control ā€“ making GUIs, dialog boxes, palettes, etc. with KM)
bug? (can you have a question mark in a tag?)


  • functions
  • variables
  • actions

KeyboardMaestro (editor, menu, engine, etc.)

Also,shouldnā€™t the tag menu be alphabetized? I am surprised this isnā€™t done automatically by Discourse.

This page belongs in category meta.

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Text, text_processing or text_manipulation. I guess ā€œregexā€ would automatically cover most instances, but we also have discussions about scraping text from web browsers or pdfs, which donā€™t always involve regex.

Very few of tags I suggested in a post above and the one after that have been added. I still believe they should be.

We should add tags for:

system_preferences (its an application).

I believe you can only create tags by actually adding them to a specific post, so I have added them to some posts.

I plan to add a category for Tips & Tutorials, so that does not need a tag.

palettes, feature_request are already a tags
mouse / functions / actions / variables are too general to be useful.

Discussion of discourse features is generally better done on meta.discourse.org.

bug is a tag already, but unusual or bug is generally not helpful.

I would like a InDesign tag.


I have assigned this tag to these topics:
Forum tag: indesign

You should be able to use it on all future topics you create. If you find any existing topics that should have this tag, feel free to post a request here (and provide a link to the topic).

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