What Type of Image Needs to be in a KM Macro to Find an Image

I am having difficulty in predictably getting an image that is placed in the macro to be found during execution. Can't seem to make it work.

I do a screen shot producing a png file of what I want to click on ( currently "Picture format" ) but I can't get it to work.

Other times it works fine .

Suggestions please.

Best method I have found is to do a screen capture of the actual image using the macOS screen capture tool and save to clipboard. Then just paste that into the Macro Action Found/Find Image well.

I have tried to "capture" what I want to find on my Mac book pro with the screen capture. e.g. trying to capture the "Picture Format" on the ribbon. of Microsoft Word. CMD + SHIFT + 4. This is without the bar underneath so it will set picture format to on. then I can click on align etc. from the macro. If it is already on then the find fails that's ok because I have it set so failure doesn't abort macro and it just proceeds to format.
I use this a lot but can't seem to have this work reliably.

Thanks for your help.

you can add a condition before: Pause until > image found,
and paste the same image
that gives good results

Hey Bob,

You mean the “Picture Format” tab in Word? Like so?

I didn't have any problem getting this to be reliable on my macOS (Sierra) system with Word 2016.

I took an oversize shot of the tab button text using Cmd-Shift-4 and holding the Control key down to send the screenshot to the Clipboard.

I then created a new image with the Clipboard in Preview with Cmd-N.

Then I zoomed the image way up, so I could easily see all the bits I wanted.

Selected what I wanted.


Pasted into the Keyboard Maestro action.

The macro works every time. I didn't even have to change the fuzz-factor.


You don't state what your ultimate objective is, but, in general, use of KM Found Image should be a solution of last resort. Particularly when using MS Office apps, all of which have a very powerful and comprehensive VBA macro language.

It is easy to get started: Simply invoke the Word Macro Recorder, and go through the manual steps you want to automate. Then edit the Word Macro to cleanup and further refine.

Hey Bob,

I was able to assign that command a normal keyboard shortcut using Word's own command-key-binding system.

I had to fish around for it a bit, but I found it.
