Where are my MacOS commands for Sleep Restart Shut Down now?

Hello, I am a KN newcomer, so apologies if this is a daft question. I installed KM a few days ago, and am excited to see it it to do my bidding, as I rummage around, gradually working out how it works.

I've noticed that since using KM, the standard MacOS keyboard commands for Sleep, Restart and Shut Down (Eject + various combinations of modifiers) no longer work, and have disappeared from the Apple menu:
Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 15.03.55

Those shortcuts are so engrained that I am reluctant to do without them. It feels like going upstairs, and trying to tread on a step at the top which is not there.

Have I most likely done something in KM to make them disappear? Many thanks for your advice.


Mac OS Big Sur 11.6.8

By default those shortcuts aren't shown in the menu -- maybe you removed/changed whatever you'd done to show them around the same time you installed KM?

The shortcuts should still work, however.

Thank you Nige_S. That's what I thought too. However the usual shortcuts really do not work.

I tried restarting (via the menu) and disabling all KM macros to no avail.

What could I have done to change this behaviour?

Obvious question -- does your Eject key still work? Perhaps the easiest way to test that is with KM -- with any macro, add a new "USB Device Key Trigger", then press the Eject key and see if KM registers it as the trigger key.

Have you installed anything else that might override the key -- Karabiner, Better Touch Tool, or similar?

I doubt it's your OS, but you are a few updates behind and those include security fixes for "in the wild" exploits so updating to 11.7.6 is highly recommended anyway (assuming you want to stay on Big Sur).

Easiest way to check if KM is a problem is to quit the Keyboard Maestro Engine -- from Keyboard Maestro's "File" menu select "Quit Engine". That'll stop any triggers from firing, including those using your Eject and meta keys.

Ah of course, it must be Karabiner Elements, which I installed at the suggestion of the MacSparky Field Guide, as a way of combining Shift-Ctrl-Opt-Cmd into the Capital Lock button:

Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 23.50.49

I thought this was the only change I'd made, but it seems to have disabled the Eject button for some reason. If I quit Karabiner, Eject behaves normally.

So the anomaly has nothing to do with KM. Sorry to have taken this off topic!

Anyway thank you for your helpful suggestions, Nige!

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