Will this script delete specific messages? I'd like to make a KM macro out of it

I'm poor with AppleScript, so I'd like to know if anyone can confirm that this GPT-generated AppleScript will delete all my iMessages that contains a particular string. (Naturally, replacing the specified phrases with real data). I'm concerned that I might delete too much, but I won't blame anyone else on this forum if you say this script will work, but then it deletes too much. I'm just looking for a better opinion than my own.

If it works, I might put a KM shell around it so I can run it more easily. My iMessages (stored on iCloud) has grown out of control, particularly since I send myself error messages when a script needs attention.

-- Replace "Your Specific Word" with the word you want to search for
set specificWord to "Your Specific Word"

tell application "Messages"
	set targetChat to first chat whose name contains "Contact Name" -- Replace "Contact Name" with the name of the conversation
	set messagesToDelete to {}
	-- Iterate through each message in the conversation
	repeat with aMessage in messages of targetChat
		if content of aMessage contains specificWord then
			set end of messagesToDelete to aMessage
		end if
	end repeat
	-- Delete the messages that contain the specific word
	repeat with aMessage in messagesToDelete
		delete aMessage
	end repeat
end tell

display dialog "Deletion completed for messages containing '" & specificWord & "'."

Bonus question: is there a way to tell how much data is stored in a specific iMessage conversation? ChatGPT doesn't know of an answer.

If it works (I don't use Messages much, but none of my chats have "name" values) then the main cause of deleting "too much" will be contains specificWord -- if that word is "phone" then you'd also delete messages in that chat that contained "phonetic" and "answerphone".

You can see how many messages will be deleted by replacing the deletion repeat block with return count of messagesToDelete.

Okay I tried my script (with your amendment) and all I get is:


(cont....) ...whose name contains "Firstname Lastname". (But my real name.)

I tried different names and different strings, and always get the same result. I'm stuck, any ideas?

I'm betting that, like mine, your chats' "name"s are all missing value. So that first whose clause is returning an empty list -- and you can't get the first item of an empty list.

You'll have to work through all the chats, testing the participants of each:

set theName to "John Smith"
set idList to {}
tell application "Messages"
	repeat with eachChat in (get every chat)
		if name of every participant of eachChat contains theName then copy id of eachChat to end of idList
	end repeat
	set targetChat to first item of idList

But I don't think even that will help. If you look at Message's AppleScript dictionary you'll see that chat contains only participants, there's no mention of messages -- indeed, there's no mention of message anywhere in the dictionary.

I reckon the AI's given you false hope (or might, to be charitable, be referencing an earlier version of Messages where you could do this). Shortcuts is no help either. I don't like to give up so easily, but I can't see a way of doing what you want.

Thanks for trying. I can probably write a KM macro that can use Find Image or OCR combined with mouse clicks to manually delete messages one at a time. It will be slow, but it should work. Sigh.

Hello Guys👋

Maybe you remember this thread from the MacScripter Forum I shared some time ago:

This should be a huge help for accomplishing this project. At least for a Macro that works with macOS 14 & 15.

Greetings from Germany :de:


I'm not averse to reading the Messages database directly. Deleting records from it is another matter...