Wish list: add "get" to Set Next Engine Window Position and Size action

thank you

What I would like to see is whenever there's a "Get" button, there should also be a "Draw" button, which would draw a box around the location of the coordinates.

Yes, it couldn't do anything when the fields contain unresolvable (local) variables. But it would help me a lot. Half of my actions have fixed values in those fields, not variables.

Until that appears -- we have KM! Let's roll our own...

Draw Action Co-ordinate Box.kmmacros (5.2 KB)


Select an appropriate "has a box" action, hit hot key, see box. A 2-minute hack that could certainly be improved, but should be enough to get you started.


Thanks. That reminds me, I think I rolled my own once using OCR to read the values. But I forgot that I did that, and the OCR wasn't entirely reliable.

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thanks very much !